Birds of the Winter (PM)

Education Courses

Key Details

Education Courses


Join David Noble-Rollin to explore the identification of the North East's birds during winter.

Essential Information

Course tutor: David Noble-Rollin

Start date: Tuesday 21 January, 1 pm- 3 pm

Course length: 10 weekly sessions, 5x indoor sessions, 5x field trips.

Course structure: This is an online course held via Zoom. Please ensure you have the right system requirements for accessing Zoom before booking, as we have a no-refunds policy.

Course cost: £100 NHSN Members / £125 Non-Members

About this course

The course will cover the identification of species in the area including their winter call notes. Particular emphasis will be given to new material becoming available on behaviour, migration and identification. The lectures will be used to prepare for each outdoor visit with extensive use of photographs, sound recordings and diagrams to help with identification and behaviour patterns. The lectures will include a particular topic or species that will be discussed in detail. There will be 5 zoom meetings and 5 field meetings at venues around Northumberland, Tyneside and Teesside.

Attendees will be sent a Zoom link ahead of the first session. If you are new to Zoom, you can find more information about using it on their website here. Information on field trips will be shared in each Zoom session.


This is a continuation of a long-running course and is most suitable for those with an existing knowledge of birds. It may be most suitable for those who have attended the course in the past.


Please read the terms and conditions for NHSN education courses before booking.
