Introduction to Sustainable Foraging

Lifelong Learning

Key Details

Lifelong Learning


Perfect for beginners, join local forager, Gemma Gee, for an introduction to foraging and the common edibles you can find in the local area

Essential Information

Course tutor: Gemma Gee

Course length: 1 session, Wednesday 12 March, 10.00 am-12.00 pm

Course structure: Field course

Meeting Point: Attlee Park, Bedlington,

Please note: please use the meeting instructions above, not those generated automatically via Eventbrite.

Course cost: £15 NHSN Members / £20 Non-Members

About this course

Come along to an Introduction to Sustainable Foraging Walk and begin your own foraging journey! Explore the incredible abundance of wild edibles, as we take a walk through Attlee Park and down along the River Blyth, looking for fresh Spring growth as we go.

The walk will last for around two hours and we will return to the meeting point at the end of the morning.

What to Expect

🌱We'll look at how to get started with foraging, how to research and identify wild edibles, how to find find them and how you can continue building your knowledge and confidence. 🌱How to forage safely and within the law.

🌱How to act sustainably when out and about.

🌱You will learn how to correctly identify around 12 wild edibles, which can include flowers, fruits, foliage and fungi.

🌱How to use wild food in the kitchen, including tips on how to prepare, store and preserve them and make the most of your harvest.

🌱We'll also look at the medicinal and nutritional benefits of the wild edibles we come across. This is a more indepth course style event designed for complete beginners or those looking to boost their confidence with wild food foraging.

What to Bring

Please dress for the unpredictable British weather, and wear whatever footwear you feel comfortable in. At this time of year, please expect the paths to be muddy. Feel free to bring a notepad and pen if you want to take notes along the way.


The route will take us over woodland dirt paths, with slight inclines. The path can be quite narrow in places. There are no public toilet facilities within the park, but they are available on Bedlington High Street.

About the tutor

Hello, I’m Gemma, a foraging instructor based in Cramlington, Northumberland. The Cramlington Forager was born after I fell down the rabbit hole that is foraging for wild edibles. I began offering local foraging courses to challenge the idea that you need to live deep in the countryside to enjoy foraging. Once you start to look closer at the small pockets of green spaces hiding in plain sight, you’ll wonder why you never saw it all before!

I offer information about local green spaces and try to show them in a new light. I share information on foraging for wild foods, as well as help identify other wild plants, flowers and trees, home-crafted recipes made using seasonal ingredients, herbal remedies, and folklore.

Please read the terms and conditions for NHSN education courses before booking.

