Discover new ways of documenting your connection with the natural world using visual examples from NHSN's North East Nature Archive
Tutor: Dr. Sheree Mack
Course length: 1 session, Saturday 14 September, 10.00 am-1.00 pm
Course cost: £8 NHSN Members or £10 Non-Members
Taking inspiration from nature journals within the Natural History Society of Northumbria‘s archives, we will take a walk outside and across the page to discover new ways of exploring and documenting our vital connection with nature, others and ourselves through the creation of our own visual journals.
About the tutor
Dr. Sheree Mack, Creatrix : she who makes, with a practice which manifests through poetry, storytelling, image and the unfolding histories of Black people. Sheree engages audiences around Black women’s voices and bodies, Black feminism, ecology and memory, nature connection, grief and healing. As creative director of Earth Sea Love CIC, Sheree facilitates national and international creative workshops and retreats in the landscape, encouraging and supporting people of the global majority on their journey of remembrance back to their bodies and authentic selves.