Puzzling Plants: Plants by Ponds and Pools

Education Courses

Key Details

Education Courses


Perfect for beginners, join James Common for three field trips exploring a wide variety of common common wetland plants.

About This Course

Course tutor: James Common

Course length: 3x trips, August 2025. Please check the program below.

Course structure: Four field sessions at different locations in Newcastle

Course cost: £30 NHSN Members / £40 Non-Members

The North East's wetlands are a thing of beauty, home to wide range of attractive and interesting wild plants. In this new field course, we'll explore the accessible urban wetlands of Newcastle aiming to find, identify and enjoy a suite of emergent and submerged aquatic and riparian plants.

Whether you're a keen beginner interested in knowing more about the plants on your local pond, or a botanical enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge and encounter new species, this course is sure to be suitable for you. Informal and with a relaxed pace, there will be plenty of opportunities to take in your surroundings and learn in the company of likeminded naturalists.

All in all, attendees can expect to encounter around 20 of our commonest wetland plants alongside 5-10 more unusual or unqiue species.

A full course programme, including meeting points for specific trips, will be provided ahead of the first session.

In the event of poor weather, every effort will be taken to reschedule missed sessions.

Course Programme

  • Big and Little Waters - Friday 1 August, 10.00 am-1.00 pm, Brunswick

Meeting point: Big Waters Country Park carpark, NZ 22977323, northward.valid.decimals

From Water Mint to Common Duckweed, in this session, we'll explore a range of our commonest wetland plants. Afterward, we'll take a walk to nearby Little Waters where a range of more exciting wetland plants may be encountered including Curled Pondweed, Lesser Water-parsnip and Greater Duckweed.

  • Gosforth Nature Reserve - Friday 8 August, 10.00 am-1.00 pm, Gosforth

Meeting point: Gosforth Nature Reserve entrance,

This week we'll visit NHSN's own Gosforth Nature Reserve while we'll explore plants commonly found in reedbeds and several more interesting species including Blue Water-speedwell, Greater Spearwort and Marsh Cinquefoil.

  • Newcastle Great Park - Friday 15 August, 10.00 am-1.00 pm, Great Park

Meeting point:

In this session, we'll explore the SuDS ponds surrounding Newcastle's Great Park development aiming to mop up ay species missed on previous trips and reiterate what we have learnt so far. We'll also fish for Ivy-leaved Duckweed and other submerged aquatic plants, and take a light-touch look at common wetland grasses.

Additional Information

Questions (and identification queries) are welcome at any time by emailing james.common@newcastle.ac.uk.

Please read the terms and conditions for NHSN education courses before booking.

Recommended Equipment:

A hand lens, if you have one and stout walking boots.

About the tutor:

James works as Senior Naturalist at NHSN. Outside of work, he is a passionate wildlife recorder with a focus on botany and invertebrates. As a botanist, he is a joint BSBI Vice-County Recorder for North Northumberland and an iRecord verifier for South Northumberland.

