Relaxed Botany: Spring Bulbs

Education Courses

Key Details

Education Courses


Perfect for beginners, join James Common, for a new series exploring plants and their habitats across the North East.

Event Specifics

Event lead: James Common

Event length: Friday 14 February, 10.30am-12.30pm

Event structure: Informal walk

Meet at: Heaton Road, entrance to Jesmond Vale Lane, NZ 26822 65711, ozone.candy.dozen

Find a grid reference:

Event cost: £7.50 NHSN Members / £10 Non-Member

About this Event

This relaxed, friendly series of trips is suitable for beginners and enthusiasts alike and should provide the perfect opportunity to seek out, identify and admire a selection of diverse plant groups while spending time out and about with likeminded botanists. In doing so, we’ll visit some interesting places, and no doubt enjoy a wide range of non-target plants. Further sessions will be released throughout the year.

In this session, we'll focus on early spring bulbs with the aim of identifying a variety of crocus and snowdrop species before heading off in search of Siberian Squill and other species springing to life early in the year.

Questions (and identification queries) are welcome at any time by emailing

Please read the terms and conditions for NHSN Education Courses and paid events before booking.

Recommended equipment:


About the event lead:

James works as Senior Naturalist at NHSN. Outside of work, he is a passionate wildlife recorder with a focus on botany and invertebrates.As a botanist, he is a joint BSBI Vice-County Recorder for North Northumberland and an iRecord verifier for South Northumberland.

