Join James Common for a short field course as you learn find & identify 10-15 ladybird species as part of the North East Ladybird Spot.
About this Course
Course Tutor: James Common, NHSN Senior Naturalist
Course Length: 4 weekly sessions, Saturdays starting 8 February at 10.30 am. Please check the program below.
Course Structure: Four field sessions at different locations across the North East
Course Cost: £30 NHSN Members, £25 Non-Members, £20 Student Discount
There are 46 species of ladybirds in the UK. Once under-recorded, the North East Ladybird Spot has revealed that the North East is home to an incredible range of ladybirds - some of which you may not even have heard of. These come in a remarkable diversity of sizes and patterns, and can be found in several different habitats.
In this new course, join NHSN Senior Naturalist, James Common, on four winter field trips with the aim of spotting 10-15 species of North East ladybird. Sounds optimistic? With a little luck, together we could encounter at least 18 species including delights such as Striped, 18-Spot, Larch, Cream-streaked, and Water Ladybird.
Learning together in the field, not only will this course teach you how to identify most common North East ladybirds but also where to look for them in winter and importantly, how to go about finding them. We'll also record all our findings as part of the North East Ladybird Spot - contributing to regional citizen science.
Please note, all locations have been selected to be accessible via public transport.
Trip Program
1- Saturday 8 February, 10.00 am-12.00pm - Jesmond Old Cemetery
Meet at: Entrance to Jesmond Old Cemetery, Sandyford Road, snaps.admits.grace
Many ladybirds are known to overwinter on gravestones and stonework in urban areas. Together, we'll look for Pine, 10-Spot, 2-Spot, Orange, Cream-spot, Harlequin Ladybirds, alongside the rare 18-Spot Ladybird. If we're lucky, we may also encounter Cream-streaked Ladybird - a new arrivial in the North East.
2- Saturday 1 March, 10.00 am-1.00pm - Havannah Nature Reserve
Meet at: Public carpark at Havannah Nature Reserve, (can be reached via the Arriva 44 bus service towards Dinnington)
Conifers are home to several specalist ladybirds. In this session, we'll explore native Scots Pine, searching for the elusive Striped Ladybird and may also encounter Larch Ladybird, Pine Scymnus and if we missed them earlier, 18-Spot Ladybird.
3- Saturday 8 March, 10.00 am -12.00 pm - Benton Cemetery
Meet at: Entrace to Benton Cemetery, task.weep.cone (can be reached via the Stagecoach 63 bus service)
Another cemetery now and a chance to catch up with any of the species we missed during our previous excursion in Jesmond. This cemetery is also a reliable spot at which to encounter the UK's largest ladybird species - Eyed Ladybird.
4- Saturday 15 March, 10.30 am -1.00 pm - Prudhoe Spetchells
Meet at: Prudhoe Train Station carpark, conductor.asks.command (ample parking is available nearby).
We'll try our hand at finding the grassland specialists 24-Spot Ladybird and Rhyzobius litura while keeping our eyes open for 22-Spot and hopefully, finish by spotting Water Ladybird, a species which overwinters around pools and ponds.
Additional Information
Questions (and identification queries) are welcome at any time by emailing read the terms and conditions for NHSN education courses before booking.
Recommended Equipment
Some will be made available but a sweep net would be a big help. Small, portable ones can be purchased from NHBS. A hand lens and camera are option but recommended.
About the tutor
James works as Senior Naturalist at NHSN. Outside of work, he is a passionate wildlife recorder with a focus on botany and invertebrates. As a botanist, he is a joint BSBI Vice-County Recorder for North Northumberland and an iRecord verifier for South Northumberland. Away from plants, he is an enthusiastic recorder of ladybirds.