Book our Field Studies Room and host your event at the region’s oldest nature reserve. To express interest or check availability, please email NHSN Nature Ranger, Julie Ross, at

Venue Hire Form

Hirer full name(Required)
Organisation Address
Would you like to visit the wider reserve?(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Event start time(Required)
Event end time(Required)
Do you require presentation equipment?(Required)
NHSN can offer a large, flat-screen television that connects to most laptops via a HDMI cable supplied by NHSN
If ‘yes’ please expand here
Do you require a whiteboard flipchart?(Required)
Confirmation of booking(Required)
I confirm I have read and understood the terms and conditions for room hire at Gosforth Nature Reserve and will ensure that our booking will comply with the conditions outlined. All participants will be informed of the above.