Explore a range of free apps to help you identify and record the wildlife around you. Perfect for those taking part in Gosforth’s Wild Web!

iNaturalist allows you to upload observations of species using multiple forms of media and can suggest a species if you are unsure. Once a species has been identified, the app shows you different images of the species, distribution, and seasonality. You can also see observations in your area, join projects, access guides, complete missions, and reach out to other app users. The data collected is used for science and conservation purposes meaning that using this app will make you a citizen scientist.
Did you know that NHSN’s latest project, Gosforth’s Wild Web, is now on iNaturalist? You can join in here.

Seek is an easy way to identify species on the go with badges to collect and challenges to complete. It is great fun and perfect for use on family walks!
Observations from Seek will not be accessible by scientists and conservationists, unless you connect your account with iNaturalist, and upload the observation to iNaturalist after you have made the Seek observation. The identification model on Seek is not always accurate, it is best to upload findings to iNaturalist as well to ensure that experts can flag any issues with the model.

ObsIdentify was developed in the Netherlands to identify wild animals and plants, and you can collect badges based on the observations you find. The identification model is good at identifying many species, including tricky insects and mushrooms.
ObsIdentify only recognises wild animals and plants and is a useful aid while out recording nature. To ensure data is still used in science and conservation, your sightings can be uploaded to a different app like iRecord or iNaturalist afterwards.

The iRecord app is a simplified version of the website well known for compiling data from different species across the UK. This data is often used for research and decision-making meaning that if you contribute to it, you will be a citizen scientist.
You can upload records on the app without images, but it is advised that you add images for experts to confirm the record. The app will also put all your recordings on a map and if you access the website, you can see other recordings made and join activities as well. iRecord is also connected to iNaturalist and any iNaturalist observations that reach research grade will be put onto iRecord’s database.
Why not check out this guide on how to use iRecord or join in with Gosforth’s Wild Web?

Picture This
This app is great for quick and easy wild and garden plant ID, and has options for insect and bird ID in it’s ‘more’ section. When a plant has been identified using the app, it will show you a list of common names for the plant, as well as pictures, common questions, and answers, the story of its name, interesting facts, symbolism, a care guide, scientific classification, distribution, and garden uses.
This app is great for identifying plants and gives you a bunch of information on the species you find, but doesn’t use the data for science or conservation, and therefore it might be best to upload the identification to either iRecord or iNaturalist if you want your data to be used by scientists.