Persimmon Homes have applied to build 133 homes opposite Gosforth Nature Reserve. We only have a short time left to protect an urban oasis, greatly enjoyed by local people.
NHSN remains strongly opposed to any development that would damage Gosforth Nature Reserve and its Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI). The latest proposal from Persimmon poses a direct threat to the reserve and its precious wildlife. We need your help to send a message, once and for all, that residential development is not appropriate so close to one of Newcastle’s most diverse wildlife sites.
NHSN volunteers have managed Gosforth Nature Reserve since 1929. During this time, passionate volunteers have managed the impact of trespass, disturbance, vandalism, fires and domestic pets. These directly threaten the future of this wonderful reserve.
If we don’t act now, many legally protected and priority species will suffer. Among these, Badger, Otter, Water Vole, Willow Tit and Bittern.
Please oppose the development on the following grounds, in your own words:
- The proposed development is contrary to North Tyneside Council’s adopted Local Plan which designates the site for employment use only.
- Increased trespass onto the nature reserve and surrounding private land, particularly from dog walkers, will disturb biodiversity.
- Protected species, such as Otter, Barn Owl, Bittern, Badger, and Water Vole, will be directly threatened, and vulnerable habitats degraded.
- Residential properties will bring cats and dogs to the site. Predation of birds and small mammals in the SSSI will be detrimental. Advice “detering” cat ownership is not enforceable.
- The development does not comply with approved policy. A detrimental effect to the SSSI is contrary to the Council’s policies to protect biodiversity.
- The proposed development poses a clear threat to strategic wildlife corridors.
Northumberland Wildlife Trust have also submitted a formal objection against plans to build opposite the reserve. You can read their objection in full here.
Please act now
This is a new housing proposal. 2900 objections shown on the portal apply to previous applications. If you have objected before, please object to this new proposal.
- Object to the development by submitting your objection here. Click on ‘make a comment’ and then select ‘make a representation’. Finally, be sure to select ‘object’ from the options below.
- If you live in the local area, write to your councillor reiterating your objection. Find your councillor here.
- Spread the word. Only together, with more voices, can we ensure a safe future for the reserve and its wildlife.
Help stop Persimmon building and send a clear message to North Tyneside Council that the destruction of one of Newcastle’s last remaining wildlife havens is contrary to their own policies and plans.
Please protect Gosforth Nature Reserve once again. Together, we will ensure that wildlife and precious local greenspace remains protected and that this cherished local site thrives long into the future.
Thank you.