Discover North-East nature at home by revisiting your favourite Natural History Talks, delivered by local naturalists and environmental experts.
You can watch previous talks on Roseate terns, bumblebees, ancient woodlands and much more elsewhere on this blog.
This week, we’re thrilled to share a popular talk by Environmental Social Scientist and Geographer at Newcastle University, Niki Rust, who examines why humans have spectacularly failed to protect biodiversity across the globe.
Why have we failed to protect nature?
Dr Niki Rust believes that one of the keys to solving the biodiversity crisis is through better communications – to activate and reignite the fire that we, as humans, all have inside ourselves to innately understand the important connections between nature and humanity. In this talk, Niki reflects on the climate agenda and suggest ways that we can learn from this to encourage not only a climate emergency movement but also an ecological emergency movement.