Kidney-spot Ladybird

A black ladybird with two large red spots, the Kidney-spot is a small but distinctive ladybird closely associated with Ash and Willow

Fast facts

Common name
Kidney-spot Ladybird
Scientific name
Chilocorus renipustulatus
When to see it
Year round
Scale insects


Commonly found in woodland settings, this species is a black ladybird with two red spots.


The Kidney-spot Ladybird is a small (4 – 5mm) black ladybird with two round red spots. Distinctively domed, it also has a rim around the edge of its wing cases. The pronotum is black and its underside is a vivid orange.

Similar species

Melanic forms of the Harlequin Ladybird can appear similar. However, the Kidney-spot is smaller and the pronotum is entirely black. Harlequins are 5 – 8 mm and the pronotum is usually white with black markings.


Commonly found in woodland, the Kidney-spot Ladybird is typically associated with Ash and sallow trees. However, it can be observed on a wide range of trees from Leyland Cypress to Oak. A predatory ladybird, it feeds on small scale insects.

Kidney-spot Ladybird © Chris Barlow

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Regional distribution

Sightings of the Kidney-spot have been shared from both Northumberland and County Durham. Most records are from lowland and urban areas, with a few records from the uplands. Given its small size, it is likely under-recorded in the region. Nationally, it is considered a widespread ladybird.

Did you know?

During winter, you will likely find this ladybird overwintering near the bases of deciduous trees.