Discovering Dazzling Dragonflies
Meet the dragonflies and Damselflies found at Gosforth Nature Reserve in 2022, with local naturalist and volunteer, Chris Wren….
Citizen Science | Dragonflies | Invertebrates | Nature in the North East
Meet the dragonflies and Damselflies found at Gosforth Nature Reserve in 2022, with local naturalist and volunteer, Chris Wren….
Citizen Science | Dragonflies | Invertebrates | Nature in the North East
Returning for its third year, you have now shared 8,600 sightings of over 60 bee species. You have been finding familiar faces and elusive species. Your records are increasing our understanding of these fascinating and important insects across the North East….
Bees | Citizen Science | Invertebrates | Nature in the North East | North East Bee Hunt
From Witches Broom to Silk Buttons, explore the world of plant galls and discover species you could encounter across the North East….
ladybird | Nature in the North East | North East Ladybird Spot
Together you shared over 1,400 sightings with the North East Ladybird Spot in 2021. Take a closer look at your discoveries and the difference your records make for these exquisite insects….
ladybird | Nature in the North East | North East Ladybird Spot
Want to help protect coastal and marine wildlife? Discover citizen science projects that you can join while by the sea….
Keen to help track the trends of North East mammals? Discover mammal citizen science projects that you take part in across the region….
Keen to help monitor North East wildlife? Discover citizen science projects across the region that welcome all species sightings….
Keen to help monitor North East birds? Discover ornithological citizen science projects taking place in the region….
Birds | Citizen Science | Nature in the North East | Ornithology
Together you shared over 4,500 sightings with the North East Bee Hunt in 2021. Take a closer look at your discoveries and the difference your records make for the North East’s pollinators….
From mammal mapping to fruiting fungi, discover citizen science projects to join this autumn across the North East….